Reiki vs Quantum Lightwork: The Future of Energy Healing

Reiki vs Quantum Lightwork: The Future of Energy Healing
Traditionally, energy healing has been done in the physical world by individuals. Someone learns how to channel energy through their body and then send it out of their body into the body of another person in the same room. This energy work is often done with the hands inches from the other’s body.
But our planet has been going through tremendous shifts in the last few years, with huge spikes of energy flowing in daily. This energy is moving the human collective to higher frequencies and a closer connection to the non-physical/spiritual world. Along with this, psychic gifts are activating and accelerating at a rate never before seen. The world is turning us on, reminding us why we came here and what our calling is.
So, while the old way of doing energy healing—and I’m thinking specifically of reiki—has been a beautiful path that has opened humanity to what is possible energetically, there are now stronger energies and more powerful gifts available to us.
Many of my students come to me after being reiki masters for years, knowing there must be more powerful energy available to them. Others never resonated with reiki or couldn’t really feel it.
My student Katie shared this with me: "I studied reiki for a year, and I always felt drained and never felt like I was tapping into my full power. My past reiki teacher told me I wasn’t a lightworker because she couldn’t feel my energy or I wasn’t doing the symbols right. Everything you said today, Erin, woke me up. The truth was told. I felt myself filling with light. After our session, I got so many compliments from my family on how happy and light I looked. I never want it to stop!”
Katie ended up turning on her energetic power, and she went on to work for me for almost a year before opening her own crystal store.
A note about reiki: The practice originated about a hundred years ago with Master Mikao Usui, and it was revolutionary for its time. If you’re not familiar with it, reiki is the practice of using symbols to channel and direct energy, and it’s a beautiful practice. However, there was a higher path available to Master Usui, one he did not choose to take, and one that the universe is rectifying today, right now, as you read this book and the words move through your energy field and deep into your soul.
He taught each student to draw the symbols exactly as he received them, follow his method step by step, and teach others the same method with no deviation. This would have been fine if he was right that God had touched him in a special way that others would not be. And yes, he was right that God had touched him with special gifts, but he was wrong that the ability to channel new energy methods was unique to him. The truth is we are ALL one, we are ALL God, and so we all have our own unique gifts and soul missions to bring through. Soon after we begin making time to practice energy work, new methods begin flowing through us. This is the symphony of the universe.
While his method has kept reiki "pure" and exactly as he originally brought it through into the physical world, it has also robbed the world of potentially one hundred years of other enlightened souls adding their own magical gifts to it.
It’s like the old game of “Telephone” I used to play in grammar school, where the teacher whispers something to the first child, who is supposed to whisper the same thing to the next child, and so on down the line. By the time the tenth child has received the message, it’s much different than when it started because each child has added their own unique take. This is taught to us as a lesson to always follow what we are told exactly. And this is what reiki has done. But what if the kids are magic? What if the telephone game has shaken out exactly the message the universe intended, and it’s our mistake to believe we aren’t good enough to have anything to add?
You are a master. At least, you were born to be. The universe is inside of you and flows through you. It’s up to you to decide to embody your greatness. That is what the method of quantum lightwork I teach offers: the freedom to be yourself, to trust yourself, and to add your own unique gifts and twists to your practice. It's about knowing that when you do this, you aren’t wrong. You aren’t bad. You are, in fact, being of deepest service to the universe.
Reiki was a beautiful starting place for humanity, but we are ready to go deeper. We are ready to recognize that oneness means that each of us—including you—is God. No matter how enlightened the great spiritual masters were, they didn't start off any different than you. You are here to perform miracles, too.
Quantum lightwork is the most powerful energy modality available to humanity today because it’s designed to bring out your unique psychic and spiritual gifts. And the best part is, it’s available to us all. In fact, there are no prerequisites for doing quantum lightwork. None. If you are alive and conscious, you’re ready to get started, although you’ll be more successful if your heart is open or you want it to be, even if you’re not yet sure what that means.
Instead of doing the energy work through your individual body, with quantum lightwork, you are choosing to embody the highest, deepest expression of yourself: your God-self. You are choosing to embody God/Source and to do your energy work from this vantage point for the highest good of all that is.
Instead of doing the energy work in the physical world, from one body to another, with quantum lightwork, you are choosing to go into the quantum field, which you access within your mind, and play in the space of infinite possibilities.
Changes made in the physical world are not as potent as changes made in the quantum field because the quantum field is the origin of creation. All experiences are first thought in mind and then experienced when they are projected into the physical world. So if you’re making changes in the physical world, you will always have to work harder for less of a payoff. Going quantum enables you to do less work for a much bigger bang for your buck—your buck, in this instance, being your time, energy, attention, and focus.
With quantum lightwork, you don’t need to be in the same room or even the same country as the person, place, or thing you’re doing energy work on. Really, you don’t even need to be in the same solar system. Quantum lightwork is happening in universal mind, where all nows are happening simultaneously. Energy work that is done today, in this now, can be felt in all nows. This means that digital recordings made today, in this now, are just as potent in any future now, and energy can be felt and received just as strongly via audio or video recordings as it would be felt live.
It’s a new era of energy mastery, and it’s a very exciting time to be on Earth. Humanity is stepping more and more into our unlimited magical truth every day.
Quantum lightwork is the path to real miracles and magic. It’s not watered down. It’s not small. It’s big. As big as YOU really are. It is important to remember that anyone can do this. You don’t have to be a certain type of person or be born with special gifts. With quantum lightwork, you can turn the right potentials and psychic gifts on. You can do anything with enough practice because, at your core, you are God, and God has limitless potential. This means that YOU have limitless potential. It doesn’t matter whether your psychic/spiritual gifts have been turned on yet or not.
The quantum lightwork I've channeled through and teach is also designed specifically to expand your personal energy field and move you onto the ascension timeline. From this place, you’re able to hold huge amounts of ascension energy for yourself and the human collective.
If you’re already feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the marketing and messaging in the world today around "quantum this," "magic that," and "psychic the other," I’m not surprised a bit! No worries; it’s okay to feel that way.
At the beginning of my energy journey, I felt overwhelmed, too. My first energy teacher had a list of things for me to buy before I could connect to the quantum field. Soon I was burning sage, lighting candles, placing essential oils all over my body, and attempting to memorize complicated symbols, just so I could connect with my inner self. For someone who had been connecting in with her inner self for years without anything but my mind, this was all a bit confusing and overwhelming.
However, she was the expert, and I had not yet learned to trust myself in my ability to work with energy. I had no idea what was going on. But I was committed, so I kept showing up and doing all the things I was being taught.
Within a few months of committed practice, I learned that all these things weren’t actually necessary. They are like physical world anchors that get you over the fears that would normally stop you from taking action, fears that you might be a bit crazy or are wasting your time playing pretend. These anchors give you something to touch in the physical world to make it feel real. But the truth is, quantum field magic takes place in your mind, and you don’t need anything else to connect within.
Here’s what I now know and what has been proven to me over and over again by my students: you can learn anything. You can turn on all your gifts. With practice, you can see with your psychic senses even if you never have before. With practice, you can hear the voice of your guides or even God/Source, even if you never have before. Your potential is limitless. You can do anything with practice.
Practice looks like this:
making space (time) every day to do the exercises that are outlined
using the commands I will teach you in this Quantum Lightwork Basics Series; and
doing your best.
It’s important to remain calm in knowing that you will figure this out whether you get it right away or not. For some people, it will happen rather quickly, while for others, it may take a little longer. It doesn’t matter where you fall on this scale. As long as you stay consistent, you will get there.
Honestly, it won’t take as long as you might imagine when you make daily space for your lightwork practice. Miracles happen very quickly here, more quickly than in most other things you could choose to practice because the universe is so eager to support you in this endeavor. The payoffs will be huge, and the investment in time and energy can be small at first. There are not many better bets on Earth.
So bet on yourself. Set the intention to practice daily. We’ll be starting off with just a few minutes of practice a day. Soon, the rewards and experiences will be so great that you’ll be looking forward to your lightwork practice with excitement and anticipation.
I know that you have a life and that life might be quite busy—or completely full. You may have significant responsibilities. As the mother of two young children, I get it. I often tell myself I’m too busy to write. In fact, I spent a lot of time over the last year scrolling the Internet, telling myself that once the kids went to preschool, I would have the space to write.
But then, on their first day of preschool, when I’d been waiting weeks to write from my soul and feel that lit-up feeling from deep inside, they both got sick. So, I learned an important lesson: If I wait until conditions are perfect, I’ll probably continue waiting for a day that will never come. And if that day comes, what will I do on the next day when conditions are not perfect? Will I pause my learning, writing, or practicing and wait a few more weeks until conditions are perfect again?
That is a guaranteed recipe for your soul to feel frustrated. And when your soul feels frustrated, you feel frustrated too. The lesson here is to start your lightwork practice before you feel ready and continue it even when conditions are not perfect.
Often, your subconscious mind will keep you from practicing lightwork because it’s trying to keep you safe. And “safe” to your subconscious is anything it is already used to, while “unsafe” is anything new. Lightwork is new and different. It does not feel safe. It feels magical and quite possibly intimidating. No worries if that’s how it feels.
I have a list of students who felt the same way when they got started, but they gave me a few minutes every day, and soon they were immersed in magic and sending me messages and emails filled with the things they were doing, which often were so crazy powerful that I was like, Really? Wow, that is truly incredible!
I was so excited to receive this feedback from Veronica towards the end of our six months together in Quantum Lightwork Academy: “At the beginning of this course, I was having a really hard time visualizing anything. I would close my eyes and try to visualize a triple-layer sphere of light, and all I could see was black space. As I worked hard for the last six months, that has changed. I can now visualize and feel the different steps to open a quantum field, and when I get to the field, I have wonderful experiences.”
Each of the following articles in this Quantum Lightwork Basics Seires includes exercises that are designed to be practiced for one week. The idea is to practice whatever you’re learning each week for about ten minutes a day while giving a minute or two to what you’ve learned in previous weeks. Throughout this series, you’re just practicing the exercises, so ten to fifteen minutes per session is plenty unless you’d like to do more. You’ll learn essential building blocks that will enable you to do lightwork effortlessly as well as creating in-depth healing and manifesting lightwork.
Some of you may prefer to read through the entire Quantum Lightwork Basics Series first and then go to week one’s exercises. Others may prefer to read week one, practice for a week, and then read week two. Either way is fine, but in my online courses, I teach one week at a time. This way, instead of learning about all the magic and having it feel overwhelming and out of reach, your practice slowly builds your knowing as you learn a little bit at a time. Either way, trust your intuition. I promise to start you off in a way that’s quick and easy but will build over time to form something extraordinary. And soon, the symphony of the universe will be flowing through you. Yes, you!
Click here to read the next article in the Lightwork Basics Series: Quantum Lightwork is the Path to Enlightenment
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