Weekly Guidance December 20, 2022
Have you been giving yourself rest… the deep rest that your body and mind crave during this period?
We’re almost at the end of the year, and tomorrow is winter solstice, as well as the closing of the 12/12 portal.
Rest now will set you up for success in 2023 in more significant ways than anything else.
The beginning of this week is all about rest.
Even if you’re not able to rest as much as you’d like, can you give yourself 30 minutes of quiet?
For some, this will be an uncomfortable stretch.
Others have been doing this work for a long time.
Either way, do your best to honor your body and give it the rest it craves.
As we move into the end of the week, it’s time to celebrate the year and honor all of the blessings that have come to you.
Give yourself permission to celebrate, because YOU deserve celebration and joy.
YOU deserve it all.
You are special. You matter. You are infinitely loved by all that is.
Celebrate this life you’ve been given.
Forgive the hard parts.
Say thank you for the good and great parts.
Your life is a gift.
I’m grateful for you, beautiful soul.
And remember, YOU are more powerful than you’ve ever imagined 💜