Weekly Guidance February 14, 2023

I have made a lot of mistakes. I’ve taken action without knowing what I’m doing.


Over and over again.


Especially over the last three years.


Especially since following my guidance 100%.


Especially since starting my business.


If you want to know the truth, I took so long to follow my guidance and start living my life on my terms because I was afraid my guidance would lead me astray.


But even though it led me to mistakes…


Even though sometimes I felt blind…


I was never once led astray.


There was always a next, shining step.


There was always a REASON that I had to experience the mistake, to help me navigate my path better.


To help me be a better leader and teacher.


Over the last few years, I’ve learned deeper trust.


I’ve learned to handle all of it, rejection, embarrassment, semi-perfectionism and fear of failure while living a life that lights me up and brings financial freedom for my family.


I’ve done this NOT by being perfect, but by willing to be guided by my inner voice.


By being willing to trust even when it doesn’t make sense.


By being willing to leap even when it DEFINITELY doesn’t make sense, over and over again.


So HOW do I do this?


HOW do I keep myself from running in the other direction, towards safety and security and what feels comfortable and familiar?


I have a VISION.




And as long as I keep that vision in front of me, I keep moving towards it.


I’m DEEPLY guided to show you exactly what this looks like. This is my Valentine’s Day gift to you.


Join me this Saturday for a FREE masterclass, VISIONARY, and learn exactly how to create a vision for yourself so strong, that nothing will shake it.

This is not a vision board. It’s not a list of affirmations. These are great. I love them. But you already know all about them. And if they haven’t already, they’re not likely to take you to your next level anytime soon.


Because this is true: What your life looks like from this moment forward is 100% up to you.


It’s divine timing to be the VISIONARY.


Click here to receive weekly guidance free to your email every Tuesday morning.


And remember, YOU are more powerful than you’ve ever imagined 💜





Erin Werley is a bestselling author who transmits & teaches Quantum Lightwork - a simple system to raise your frequency, master your intuition and become a high-level energy healer...
Whether you've been a Reiki master for 30 years or you're brand new to working with energy, Quantum Lightwork is exactly what you've been dreaming of finding.
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