Weekly Guidance November 8, 2022

Nov 08, 2022

This is an invitation to step beyond the boundaries of the 3d world.


To go to a place deep inside where there’s no fear, doubt, worries or lack.


To the place where you are deeply connected to all that is.


Gifts are waiting for you here, deep within YOU. 


You’ll be hearing a lot of external noise this week, much of it trying to lead you deeper into the outside world of fear, doubt, worries and lack.


This is exactly what you’ve been preparing for. 


You’re ready for your next level awakening,


Your next level gifts of inspiration, creativity and clarity.


If you listen within this week, you’ll receive your next steps.


The outside world will be loud to try to keep you from this huge, next level awakening. 


You know what to do. Trust yourself.


You are sometimes led in what seems like circles, but the nonphysical does not operate on a straight line like you might expect.


We all wait for divine timing, and a few circles are sometimes necessary to make it so.


You are to KNOW that your guidance is and has been clear, no matter how it’s felt from your perspective. 


You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.


Divine timing is here.


Your abundance is on the horizon.


You are a bright light on Earth, and you are infinitely thanked for your presence here. 


Click here to receive weekly guidance free to your email every Tuesday morning.



And remember, YOU are more important and powerful than you’ve ever imagined 💜





 Erin Werley is a bestselling author at the forefront of spiritual awakening and ascension. Her books, One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create and Lightworkers 101 simplify the concepts of oneness, manifestation, and energy. She has been channeling God since 2011. She uses quantum energy healing lightwork to transform your energetic footprint and move you on to the ascension timeline. Her mission is to welcome you to the ascension. Excited to learn how? Click here.