Whether you’ve been a reiki master for 30 years, or you’re brand new to energy work, you’re here because you KNOW deep within that there must be more available to you around energy.
More power.
More connection to the unseen realm.
More magic.
More abundance.
AND, you feel you’re being called…that this is part of your soul’s mission on Earth.
The problem is, there’s sooooo much information out there.
Reiki, hypnosis, shamanism, meditation, eft, nlp, quantum this, quantum that, etc., etc., etc.
I know some of these things have helped you and some didn't seem to do much. Either way, you're here because even though you've expanded from where you once were, you still feel like a hot mess a lot of the time.
This is a bit of a dirty secret you don't share because after all you've done, you SHOULD have your shit together, right?
And if you don't have it together, you definitely can't tell your family and friends who think you're nuts to be doing any of this to start with that you're not a blissful, serene being 24/7.
Two things you need to know:
#1 - It's all ok. You're human and you do NOT have to be perfect to be worthy of all that is.
#2 - They're doing it all wrong! These other modalities - they're not empowering you to be your sovereign God-self. They taught you to follow their rules and those rules boxed you in. Those rules blocked your inner genius and YOUR own UNIQUE GIFTS from dropping into the scene and blowing the lid off the whole operation.
This is how a typical certification program is created:
An amazing, empowered being feels a deep calling to make a difference in the world.
They search and search, learning from others who have gone before them. They spend years struggling themselves, until they discover the "secret" that no one else knew to tell them, but that once they figured out, made everything click into place in their life.
They start sharing this "secret" with their clients, whose lives also improve (although not as drastically as being #1's.)
They decide this is what they are here to share and sit down to write a long outline of how to get from point A (knowing nothing about this amazing new modality) to point Z (being a master of said modality).
People are drawn to being #1's energy and sign up in droves. Soon, everyone and their mother is talking about getting certified in this thing.
And to get certified, they have to follow all the rules. There's no freedom to move things around as their inner guidance calls to them, because they've been warned/taught that if they do that, it won't work. Step by step, remember?
But here's the thing NO ONE seems to know: This modality is being #1's soul mission and that's why it brought them bliss.
Anyone who learns this step by step method and then begins to practice it with clients is blocking their own unique gifts from dropping down onto the scene.
End of story.

All the beautiful beings who have been certified now begin to feel bitter (which they hide deep inside because they have bills to pay and clients to attract) because they thought having this certification was going to make them feel fulfilled as they lit up their lives and the lives of their clients, but the opposite happens. They feel like something is missing, because it is (*cough *cough soul mission anyone?)
But these beautiful beings don't know THAT'S why they're feeling bitter - they think it's because this certification works for everyone else but not for them. Yup - they think it's their fault and there's something wrong with them - which makes them feel even less magical and worthy of bringing through their own inner genius, completing the plugging up of the divine works of the universe.

Think about it - why did all these beautiful beings want to get certified in this modality?
It's because they didn't believe fully in themselves and that THEY might have something magical to uncover and share with the world.
And when you're embarking on a new endeavor from that energy of believing someone else has all the magic (not you) and the best you can do is get them to tell you how they did it - you are (whether consciously or unconsciously) creating a situation where you're blocking your beautiful gifts and your unique soul mission.
This is WHY I was called to create a new template for modalities moving forward as we step into the new world:
YOU ARE GOD / SOURCE. All certifications and modalities that I am aware of do not come from that understanding (they see you as a human, which is a limited perspective) - so how the heck are they going to bring out your unique magic? How are they going to bring out the power that courses through your veins and is your BIRTHRIGHT?
Yep. They're not going to.
But I AM.
Hello, beautiful soul! I'm Erin.
I’m a Quantum Energy Master, Bestselling Spiritual Awakening Author & Ascension Guide.
But... my life wasn't always like this!
I wasn't born with my spiritual gifts turned on....so I spent the first thirty years of my life lost and confused, feeling like everyone else had it figured out and the best I could do was to pretend to be like them and paste a smile on my face.

I didn't believe in myself and after a lifetime of bullying and cystic acne, my self-confidence was nowhere to be found.
I finally got fed up with that life, and I went on a quest for more. After eleven years spent growing my confidence and clarity in my intuition and soul mission, I know how frustrating it can be to move forward and take action when you’re just not sure how, there’s no real path, and everyone seems to have different advice about what worked for them.
Now I help REGULAR people connect to the unique magic INSIDE of themselves - bringing their soul gifts online.
I’ve worked with so many amazing souls who were completely unaware they were blocking their gifts from dropping into their life, and they all had one thing in common – like me, they had spent years believing that this sort of stuff works for other people, but it probably wouldn't work for them.
They didn’t have the ability to live like the spiritual gurus (who never seem to have kids!) and jet off to Tibet for a year to learn from monks, or level up by wrestling tigers in Bali. It wasn’t practical for them to color their hair pink and tattoo their whole body to be “authentic".
The good news is, through myself and my clients, I’ve found that none of this is necessary – we just think it is.
Instead, all you need to do is activate the right potentials in your energy field – and you can do this right in your living room, surrounded by piles of plastic toys and cereal crushed into the carpet.

And because I get that you're probably busy like me, I created Quantum Lightwork Academy to be easy to master, with only 15-20 minutes of daily practice.
You are at a choice point:
Old world vs new world (and if you're wondering, the NWO is part of the old world choice point)
Fear vs knowing
Certification vs embodiment
Cookie cutter vs your unique gifts
The old world is crumbling.
Disclosure is imminent.
The old world is built on fear.
The new world is built on magic.
On energy.
On knowing.
On living your truth, fully and unapologetically.
You were born for this.
Are you ready?

You didn’t come here to play small.
You came to this world for big things.
To embody your unique gifts and mission.
But you came to a world that wasn’t ready for you in your power.
A world that taught you to play it small and safe.
A world that tried to beat your dreams out of you.
We are all on our own journey, and all is unfolding in divine timing.
But if you are ready to answer the call of your soul and the beat of your heart, you do not have to do it alone anymore.
It’s my soul mission to get the truth about lightwork and the quantum field and who YOU really are into the hands, hearts and minds of every person who is ready to rise up to the level of their deepest soul mission.
Those people, like you, who feel a burning deep inside to stand up and take action.
Who know that we are all one.
Who know that the media is telling us lies, lies, lies.
Who know - who feel - that they came here for something big.
You don’t have to have all the answers.
I don’t.
But I do know how to access the answers I need when I need them.
This is the magic inside Quantum Lightwork Academy

Past all your bullsh#t.
Past the limiting beliefs keeping you small.
Past all the reasons you can’t, all the ways it’s not safe, all the infinite ways you are sure you won’t be supported, past your past where things didn’t work out and we bulldoze right over the people in your life who don’t believe in you, your dreams and your idea - past all that stuff down so deep to your magical center, the core of who you really are and we bring that beautiful being of light to the surface.
From this higher dimensional, vibrational space, you naturally attract the people and things you need to further you on your soul mission.
Money, health, relationships go from being forced and a source of worry to being part of your natural flow.
You transition from “How can I get more? And “How can I do more” to “Oh, my f#cking goodness, I’m doing the damn thing!” A truly lit up, alive being of light who passes this joy for life on to everyone you touch.
You are here at the forefront of huge change to bring the light.
Ready to be a lightbringer of the new earth?
This is what being a LIGHTBRINGER looks like:
Becoming a MASTER of the quantum field. Not because I give you a certificate on a fancy piece of paper - I won’t - but because you know deep down in your core that you are a master and calling yourself anything else simply doesn’t align anymore.
You see, the people who say yes to Quantum Lightwork Academy won’t be vibrating at the same frequency a week from now, let alone 6 months from now. How you see yourself will be completely transformed. You will embody your higher self and your highest mission.
And by doing so, by living from this higher dimensional space, you will create a ripple effect that touches everything in your life and far beyond.

Quantum Lightwork Academy is simple. One class a week for 26 weeks, where I make the normally complicated topics of quantum field magic simple to understand, so that even a kindergartner could become a master.
Quantum Lightwork Academy is perfect for you, whether you've been a reiki master for 30 years or you're brand new to energy work. This is the path that will blast the door wide open on your connection to the quantum realm of magic and ancient knowledge.
When you sign up, you'll get immediate access to Week 1. Each week a new lesson and EXPANSIVE energy activation unlocks.
Each week's lesson builds on the previous week.
15-20 minutes of practice per day.
Lightwork coaches available to answer any questions you may have within 48 hours, M-F (excluding major U.S. holidays).
Everything you learn, you'll learn how to perform on both yourself and others. By the end of our 6 months together, you'll be able to confidently perform ADVANCED MASTER-level quantum lightwork on yourself, your family, your pets, your home and even clients, if you so choose.
Take a peek inside:
PLUS 6 Bonus Master-Level Lessons
with Energy Activations

Quantum Lightwork Academy
💜 Quantum Lightwork Academy - 6 months of prerecorded weekly classes with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 6 Bonus master-level prerecorded lessons with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 Lightwork coaches available to answer your questions within 48 hours, M-F (8 months access)

Quantum Lightwork Academy
💜 Quantum Lightwork Academy - 6 months of prerecorded weekly classes with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 6 Bonus master-level prerecorded lessons with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 Lightwork coaches available to answer your questions within 48 hours, M-F (8 months access)

You are worth it. Your dreams are worth it. Your soul is worth it. Your fulfillment is worth it. You are enough. These energy activation audios won't change you, because you've always been enough. They'll simply activate that part of you that's been buried deep down inside, who KNOWS that you are enough.
Not only do you deserve to have your intuition activated to flow freely through you, you were DESIGNED to operate that way! Which means if you're trying to get through life without your intuition, you're driving with your eyes closed! Stop the madness! There IS a better way. This is it. Simple. Easy. Divine. Magic.

Quantum Lightwork Academy
💜 Quantum Lightwork Academy - 6 months of prerecorded weekly classes with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 6 Bonus master-level prerecorded lessons with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 Lightwork coaches available to answer your questions within 48 hours, M-F (8 months access)
Most importantly, this is all being learned from the lens of activating your own unique gifts and soul mission. In other words, I get you started, and you fly even higher than me.
That’s what’s been missing in our old world, where leaders keep a tight grip on what they’ve created for fear it will be stolen or altered beyond recognition. This is a huge difference that we will see in the new world – leaders empowering others to take what they’ve learned and improve it so it causes a constant ripple effect of change and good in the world.
With this information, you will be at the forefront of everything quantum. 90% of this material came directly from I Am and is being shared for the first time inside of Quantum Lightwork Academy.
More than all the quantum skills you’ll be learning and experiences you’ll be having – YOU are healing first and foremost, which gives you the CONFIDENCE to live your soul mission, thereby healing the world.
When I started my business:
· I wanted to change the world.
· I wanted to start a movement.
· I wanted to impact millions of lives.
But soon after starting my business, I realized it was ME who had to go first.
“I” would have to change before my business would change the world, be a movement and impact millions. This is where my journey really began.
And I’m so, so glad that chose to go on that journey, because it led me back inside, to that magical place within, to heal and to remember my truth, that I am a limitless being of light, and there is nothing that I cannot do.
So I KNOW that when you heal first, your soul mission pours out of you like a volcano that cannot be stopped.
Ready to erupt and spew forth with all the juiciness and magic that’s within?

Quantum Lightwork Academy
💜 Quantum Lightwork Academy - 6 months of prerecorded weekly classes with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 6 Bonus master-level prerecorded lessons with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 Lightwork coaches available to answer your questions within 48 hours, M-F (8 months access)

Quantum Lightwork Academy
💜 Quantum Lightwork Academy - 6 months of prerecorded weekly classes with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 6 Bonus master-level prerecorded lessons with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 Lightwork coaches available to answer your questions within 48 hours, M-F (8 months access)
⭐ I don't have a background in energy work - I'm not even sure what it is. Will I be able to do this?
This is truly a new type of energy work and connection to the quantum field so I start at the very beginning with the absolute basics. You're right on time!
⭐ I've been doing energy work for years. Am I too advanced for this?
With the light that is currently flooding into our planet, so much more is available to us in terms of energy and the quantum field than even a year or two ago. Everything is changing, and with it, how we view ourselves, our truth and the real magic energy accomplish is changing too. I promise, this course goes WAY beyond what you've learned and done before.
⭐ What is the difference between this and Soul Mission: Activation Sequence?
In Soul Mission: Activation Sequence, I perform the lightwork for you while you simply sit back and allow. Quantum Lightwork Academy is a 6 month program where you learn to perform the same quantum lightwork I use, yourself.
⭐ What is the difference between this and Lightworkers 101?
Lightworkers 101 is a powerful introductory course that will teach you to perform basic quantum energy work on yourself, your family and clients, if you choose to go that route.
QLA is a more in depth, full-full blown, six months immersive quantum field experience that goes far beyond learning how to do energy work. You will move from beginner to advanced-level energy master within this 6 month experience.
⭐ What can I expect from this course?
Quantum Lightwork Academy was recorded live in 2022 over the course of 6 months. I channeled the entire course and it is truly divine. You'll learn a practice more powerful than meditation, reiki, or anything else I'm aware of. You'll learn how to play in the quantum field as you step into your God-self.
⭐ I'm very busy. What if I don't have time to do the course now?
You receive immediate access to the first week upon purchase, and every week the next lesson will be unlocked. It's up to you when you start. You have all content + updates for life. Many students have gone through the program a second time already, because it is simply that life changing.
⭐ Can you guarantee specific results?
I love this course and believe in its magic 100%, However, as I have no way of knowing what you will do with the program or whether you will choose to do the daily practice, so I can't guarantee results.
⭐ Do I get direct access to Erin?
Erin teaches all the weekly lessons and performs the weekly energy work, so you will be constantly immersed in the quantum field with her. However, Erin won't be available to answer your questions directly. You'll have 8 months of access to our lightwork coaches who will answer all your questions regarding the course material. There is no live direct access to Erin included.

Quantum Lightwork Academy
💜 Quantum Lightwork Academy - 6 months of prerecorded weekly classes with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 6 Bonus master-level prerecorded lessons with energy activations (Lifetime access)
💜 Lightwork coaches available to answer your questions within 48 hours, M-F (8 months access)
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]
These services are not intended to replace the care or guidance of a physician. Always consult your physician before changing anything. All information provided by Erin Werley, Madleo Publishing, LLC within these services, courses, classes, audios, emails, calls and any other communications (the “Services”) shall be considered by all parties to be explicitly for entertainment purposes only.