Weekly Guidance November 15, 2022

The energies coming in last week were of deep transformation and healing, and you probably experienced some heaviness, pain, fear, or doubt.


However, you navigated yourself back to trust in the divine unfolding of events much better than you realize. 


The universe is celebrating because you have come so far in your trust that all is unfolding as part of the divine plan.


Things that a year ago would have taken you weeks or months to move through are now taking you a few days. 


You’ve already healed so much pain and fear. Move your focus from what is wrong to what is right.


As you return your focus to all the things that are going well for you, you will find there is more there than you may have known.


Today, write a list of all the things you are grateful for and spend a few minutes holding this list to your heart, breathing in thanks to all that is.


What you focus on expands.


This is creation.


Now, write a second list, a list of what you most desire, and hold that to your heart in the same manner, breathing in thanks. 


From this place of focus on gratitude and desire, ask for guidance. Your next step is coming in! Be bold in your trust and plan a tiny action, a tiny step forward.


Remembering that it is tiny, consistent steps that usher in the biggest changes.


We’re moving into a season of holidays, family, and friends. Plan to share some of this gratitude with the people in your life, and watch as the right ones are magnetized to your joy.


If you’re feeling lacking in this department, know that new relationships are on the horizon for many. This may be romantic, but may be friendship or formerly estranged family.


The vibration of the human collective is rising, and you may be surprised to find in the coming months that people who once rejected higher thoughts and ideas now are opening to them.


Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate! 


If that feels difficult, find something on your gratitude list that will assist you. 


The human ascension is happening much quicker than it seems from our perspective on the ground. And you have had a HUGE part in this transformation.


You are thanked.


Have you joined my monthly membership yet? November’s masterclass and quantum energy session live call is this Sunday, Nov 20. I’d love to see you there! Click here to learn more. 


Click here to receive weekly guidance free to your email every Tuesday morning.


And remember, YOU are more powerful than you’ve ever imagined.





Erin Werley is a bestselling author who transmits & teaches Quantum Lightwork - a simple system to raise your frequency, master your intuition and become a high-level energy healer...
Whether you've been a Reiki master for 30 years or you're brand new to working with energy, Quantum Lightwork is exactly what you've been dreaming of finding.
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