What Is A Lightworker?

Light is energy. Energy is light.
Lightworkers are powerful spiritual humans leading humanity onto the ascension timeline and into New Earth.
You were led to this article for a reason. There are no accidents in our universe. YOU were born to be a lightworker.
A lightworker consciously draws higher vibrational light (ascension energy) into their body, which allows them to hold a higher dimensional space on Earth. At humanity’s core, we are all one, so when an individual holds this higher energy in their body, they lift up the entire human collective, assisting in collective ascension. When one of us rises up, the rest of us rise up as well. It might be imperceptible at first, but the more people who choose to hold light, the more the rest of humanity rises.
In early 2020, the Earth and humanity entered into an ongoing spiritual battle between the forces of darkness and light. During this critical period, the Earth is transitioning from the Old Earth, where humans were subjugated by dark forces, to the New Earth, where humans will live as free, sovereign beings.
As part of the transition to New Earth, the universe is pumping light onto the planet to assist humans in waking up to their spiritual and psychic gifts. This light also assists humans in choosing hope and trust over fear and doubt.
One of the effects of all this light coming onto the Earth is that darkness is dragged up from the depths. The lower vibrational energy that has been controlling humanity for millennia is coming to the surface to be seen, witnessed, and transmuted into light.
This transmutation process of darkness to light kicks up a lot of dust, debris, and pain. It’s the reason the last few years have been especially difficult from some perspectives on Earth.
Lightworkers can and do perform real magic—all day, every day. But in all honesty, to be a lightworker, you only need to consciously draw higher dimensional light into you and hold it for a period of time. Holding this light makes you a higher dimensional space on Earth. It moves you onto the ascension timeline, and you are truly being of service to the collective. Yes, it feels amazing for you, but it’s also the highest level of service.
Lightwork can be much more than just holding light - you can perform REAL magic with Quantum Lightwork, and my Lightwork Basics Series of articles will get you started. In these articles, I guide you through simple, quick daily exercises that will work for you no matter who you are or what level of knowledge or understanding you’re starting from.
In the Lightwork Basics Series, you will learn how to transmute dense, lower-dimensional energy into the highest vibrational energy. This transmutation process, as well as the energy itself, feels blissful and lights you up from the inside out.
This Lightwork Basics Series is designed to guide you through the process of facilitating a full quantum energy healing session, also referred to as a sacred lightwork ceremony. By the end of these articles, you’ll be able to perform a full lightwork ceremony on yourself.
The best part about quantum lightwork is that nothing outside of you is required. You can do this lightwork with your hands strapped down to a gurney or with a storm raging all around you. You don’t need candles, cards, sage, essential oils, or any of the other spiritual tools available to you, beautiful as they are. All that’s necessary to perform lightwork is your willingness and your mind.
This Lightwork Basics Series started out as an online class I channeled live over eight weeks. It’s the beginning of some of the most powerful information I’ve brought forward, and I’m so excited to hear about the magic you create after reading it.
There are four steps to being a lightworker: awareness, acceptance, holding light, and falling down. Awareness is being honest with yourself about the darkness, within yourself and in the world around you. By darkness, I don’t mean evil. I mean dense, lower-dimensional energy. Darkness includes the energy of fear, doubt, hate, jealousy, sadness, pain, unworthiness, shame, etc.
If you’re not willing to admit these dense energies exist in your experience, you cannot transmute them. To transmute is to alchemize, transform, to light. Instead, you bury these dense energies deep down where no one can see them. There, they claw away at you, destroying you from the inside out, causing disease and misery.
Imagine two young children, both crying inconsolably because they lost their toy. In one home, the child’s parents yell at the child, telling him or her to stop crying, mostly because crying makes them uncomfortable, and they don’t know how to deal with it. The crying makes them feel like bad parents, and they want it to stop. The child stops crying because they are being yelled at, but all they have learned is that it isn’t safe to feel emotions, to cry. Now, instead of letting that emotion flow freely in the future, passing in and out like a storm, that child will bury the crying and sadness deep inside, where it will eat away at their soul.
In the other home, the parents sit with the child and hold space for him or her while the child cries, not trying to fix the situation but just letting it be. Eventually, the crying dies down, and the child has learned to allow their emotions to pass through like a storm. The sadness is gone. It has passed through, and the child is free. This may have felt uncomfortable for the parents, but they are teaching their child that they are safe, even if dense energies pass through.
Your emotions are not good or bad. They exist, but they are not you. You are light. You are love. You are all that is. That is your core. That is your soul. That is your truth. Your emotions cannot change the truth of who you are inside. You are God. Your emotions are experiences. They do not fundamentally alter your truth. But if you have been taught to stuff them down, like many of us have, you are carrying these emotions around like a ball and chain.
Step One: Awareness
The first step in lightwork is bringing awareness to the darkness: not distracting yourself when you feel emotions, not picking up your cell phone or turning on the TV, not even meditating or picking something to feel grateful for instead. Even meditation and gratitude, when used as a means of escape from your emotions, can continue the process of burying the darkness down deep inside. A lightworker does the brave work of shining light on the darkness, even if it hurts—even if it’s painful to feel. To feel the light, you must be willing to feel the dark.
The Earth is going through this same transmutation process. For so long, deception, thievery, and corruption have been hidden from humanity. We have been shown only what those in power wanted us to see. But now, tremendous spikes of light are flooding onto the Earth daily to assist humanity in the awakening and ascension process. As this light assists humanity in rising in vibration, it also brings up from the depths the darkness that’s been hidden. The darkness is rising up to be witnessed and transmuted back to light.
Every time you perform lightwork, that light ripples out to the Earth and the human collective. You are creating the New Earth and the human ascension with your thoughts and actions.
Step Two: Acceptance
The second step of being a lightworker is to move through grief into acceptance that the darkness has existed. Again, no matter how painful, you cannot transmute darkness to light unless you are willing to see that darkness.
If you’re bringing in light but unwilling to see the darkness, you are only adding a layer of light on top of the darkness. Ignoring the darkness only stuffs that dense vibrational energy down deeper, where it causes more damage in the future. Yes, it may bring you relief in the moment, but that moment will eventually transition into a moment where the pain inside or outside is too great to ignore because the universe is always working to bring you back to your life path. It is important that you bring this pain, this darkness, to the surface and transmute it to light so that it no longer weighs you and the collective down.
My inner voice showed me the truth about our world many years ago. I was shown the corruption, the alien beings, the forced control of humanity, the brainwashing, and the other horrors I won’t speak of here—all of it.
At the time, it was all too much for me. I was being given the opportunity to be a lightworker, but I wasn’t ready to move on to step two, moving through the grieving process to reach acceptance. So, I rejected it. I decided it couldn’t possibly be true simply because it was too painful for me to face.
At the beginning of 2020, I was again shown the corruption and the horrors that were mostly hidden on Earth. I had forgotten what I had been shown years earlier, but now I remembered. I knew then that the darkness was in me and in our world, and I had chosen the easy path, the path of least resistance, the path of ignorance instead of light.
Much like my spiritual awakening in 2011, this awakening was deeply painful. In 2011, I learned that our world is an illusion and all of us are God. This time around, I learned that humanity has been silenced and kept in chains through brainwashing for thousands of years.
I could also see how the people in my life weren’t ready to see the truth. I could also see how the people in my life weren’t ready to see the truth. It was too crazy, too far from what they knew about the world. People who aren’t ready to see are not bad people. They're just not ready to go through the stages of grief. But this time, I was, and I did. It was too crazy, too far from what they knew about the world. People who aren’t ready to see are not bad people. They're just not ready to go through the stages of grief. But this time, I was, and I did.
This time I saw the horrors, and I let myself move through the five stages of grief. First, I denied it. I did not want it to be true. Then I got really, really angry. I wanted to tear the world down and make it right. I wanted to shake the people around me. I wanted them to feel what I felt, to know what I knew. I may have skipped bargaining, but I definitely moved into depression, feeling such sorrow for weeks. I finally moved into acceptance.
With acceptance, I was ready for the next step—action. But action didn’t look anything like what I thought it would look like. I assumed it would take the form of convincing others. I can remember asking I Am (I am is my inner guidance/God/Source, something we can ALL access) if I should share what I had learned with my audience, which was small but growing in those early days after One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create was first published. I thought I needed to share. But I Am told me quite clearly that this was not my mission.
I Am has brought me the most powerful lightwork on the planet to fight the fight. I have perfected it with the beautiful students in my courses, and I’m bringing it to you in these articles because it’s bigger than me. It’s bigger than all of us. It is our God-given calling to work with light to transmute darkness, and I want every person on the planet who feels the call to be able to access this knowledge. That is my mission, and now this lightwork belongs to you.
I followed my inner guidance, and I did not share back then when this was all so new to me. Instead, I learned quantum lightwork, and then I mastered it so that one day I could write these articles and contribute to the ascension and transformation of the world. Tears are dripping down my face as I write this, and I promise you with every fiber of my being that you are meant for this work. You were led here to take my words, to work with them, and then to blend them with your own magic.
This is not about me, my inner voice, or my guidance. It’s about you. For years, lightwork has been closely guarded as a secret for only the people who were born to it. No more. Truth and energy are humanity’s birthright. This is your birthright, for you are God, and no one and nothing is more powerful than you when you step into your God-self.
Step Three: Anchoring Light
The third step in lightwork, after seeing the darkness and accepting it, is holding light in your body. When you do this, you become a higher dimensional space on Earth. I call this anchoring light.
Later in this book, I will teach you how to anchor light and transmute darkness. It will bestow so many gifts. But it is only the beginning because the fourth step is the tricky bit.
Step Four: Falling Down
The fourth step is recognizing when you’ve stopped anchoring light and then using the tools you’ve amassed as a lightworker to return to your anchor of light. It’s really just cycling back through steps one through three again, but the tricky part is recognizing when you need to do this.
Imagine you’re lit up from the inside, holding a higher vibrational space and feeling great—when something awful happens. Just awful. It catches you totally off-guard. I know the first time I was knocked off my anchor of light, I thought I must have done something wrong, or I must simply not be good enough to really anchor light long-term.
But the truth is that when you are holding light, the universe gives you more pain to transmute, not because you’re doing it wrong but because you’re doing it right. You have successfully transmuted dark energy to light, so you are shown more dark energy to transmute. Many of you will find your calling here and move into being a lightwarrior, which is where I’ve been led. I teach this as well as advanced-level lightwork in my online course, Quantum Lightwork Academy.
In fact, the people who are here to hold the most light are not typically those who have had the easiest lives. Although there are always exceptions to every rule, most lightworkers have had pretty horrific things happen in their lives. Once they are able to transmute that pain, they are fully in their power and can now transmute anything.
So, in step four, you’re shown more darkness, which feels bad. You then move through step two again, going through the stages of grief until you reach acceptance that the darkness exists. Then, you move to step three and transmute the darkness to light.
You’ll stay in your anchor of light until you’re moved into step four again, and you’ll use the tools in your lightworker tool belt to come back to the light.
Lightwork is never about pushing away. It’s about holding space for all that is, and it’s such a deep, beautiful calling.
Click here to read the next article in the Lightwork Basics Series: What's the difference between Reiki and Quantum Lightwork?